I need your advice…


3-4-12 Acadia(15)

OK. I’ll be spending some quality time down in Acadia over the next 10 days or so, and I’m very much looking forward to getting out and about with the camera. Problem is, I can’t seem to decide on locations to shoot. I’m determined to try and come up with some original places that I haven’t photographed yet, but I’ll also be looking to hit up some of the famous icons like Otter Cliffs in the shot above – though I’m hoping I get better weather than I did that day!

So… I’m looking for inspiration… are there any Acadia scenes in particular that you – my loyal readers – would like to see photographed? If there are, drop me a line in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to oblige. Tell you what… any suggestions that I can honor will be rewarded with a free 8×12 print delivered right to your door.

Happy 4th of July to y’all!

37 thoughts on “I need your advice…

  1. lilybug1960

    It makes no difference to me, I am just vacationing vicariously through you! You always do a great job of creating beautiful variations of the images!

      • lilybug1960

        You know I could spend everyday at Otter Cliffs. I really enjoy your impressionistic images of the birch trees as well. Surprise us!

        • David Patterson

          OK… I’ll definitely be spending some time at Otter Cliffs… now to try and come up with an original composition from there – one that is all mine. Hmmmmmmm….

    • David Patterson

      Awesome… you got it! We’re staying about a mile from there near the Bass Harbor lighthouse – thanks for the suggestion. We’ve already been out along Ship Harbor Trail with Oliver for a morning walk… love the quiet side of MDI.

  2. David I’m sure you have plenty of pictures of the Bar Harbor lighthouse but it is always from below have you ever tried getting on level ground with the lighthouse to see what you see when you look through your lens. I was taking pictures of different angles but I never really like those angles I was choosing and one day I went to the back half of it and got a lot better picture of the house that was falling down and you never know why they left or why the relatives didn’t keep it up but the house was way better on the back half. LOL Try a different side.

  3. Little Hunters Beach — was going to be our impromptu wedding spot until we moved the whole shindig out to Swan’s Island. Celebrating 10 years at the end of this month with a trip back to Acadia. 🙂

    • David Patterson

      Julie… thanks for the suggestion. It’s a lovely place, isn’t it… like a smaller, more private version of Boulder Beach below Otter Cliffs. I have had it on my list of places to visit, and now I’ll definitely make it a part of the plan – thanks.

  4. If you go to Little Hunters Beach, before walking down the steps, take a left and follow the path round to the rocks; I’ve taken my best sunrise pictures there and it’s also a great place to see the sunset too. The waves at Otter Point (further down the road from Otter Cliff) can be spectacular at high tide. I’d like to see how you would photograph Little Long Pond. Finally, I discovered the Canon Brook Trail for the first time last year; there’s a lot of potential there for great photos, especially by the pond just off Rt 3.

    Feel free to use my website for more ideas- http://www.imagesofacadia.com

    Now I’m jealous….

    • David Patterson

      Thanks Michael. Exactly what I was hoping for. I haven’t spent much time on the actual Otter Point, but that will definitely be somewhere that I explore this time.

      PS> Awesome images of Acadia on your site!

  5. Do not miss the most missed part of Acadia National Park. Schoodic Point is down Route One east from Ellsworth. It is about a half hour. You’ll see huge slabs of granite to walk on. Get there when the tide is incoming you can get some spectacular surf breaking on the rocks. Also don’t miss the Trenton Bridge Lobster Pound. It is is a real pound. Not fancy. The lobsters and steamers take on the flavor of the wood fires they are boiled over. Acadia is the only thing I miss about not living in Bangor. Who knows you could run into me Friday at the pound. Enjoy.

    • David Patterson

      Schoodic is one of my favorite places anywhere. So much more quiet, and some might argue just as beautiful as MDI. I’ve spent many peaceful mornings on Schoodic, and some of my favorite photographs are from there, but since I’ll be headquartered in Bass Harbor this time I might not make it over that far. I’ve eaten at the Trenton Lobster Pound too… classic. Thanks for the tips!

  6. Your own instincts are spot on so far. The shots you’ve done for instance with wet rocks filling the foreground and with the seashore landscape almost an afterthought were great shots, as were the series of blurred images.
    You’ll see your shots when you look about. I have no doubt abut that.

    • David Patterson

      Thanks for he vote of confidence. It seems as though it has been a long, long time since I have been shooting landscapes, and I genuinely appreciate all of the great ideas and re-assurances.

  7. Andrew Thomas

    David, as you know we had a great visit to Acadia last year….so I’d like you to show me what we may have missed to tempt Debbie and I to make a return visit!
    cheers Andrew

      • I don’t think there is a lighthouse there, but you can see one from it. From an Acadia website: “Grindstone Point is at the southern tip of Grindstone Neck in Winter Harbor, Maine. Follow Grindstone Avenue to arrive at this viewing spot. It provides spectacular views of several islands including the mountains of Mount Desert Island. The Winter Harbor Light on Mark Island is directly to the south. Acadia National Park at Schoodic Peninsula is to the southeast.”

  8. I agree with Michael, would love to see what you do with Otter Point. Would also love to see some photos of the carriage road bridges. The section around Hadlock Pond give you two great bridges next to other and a nice waterfall depending on recent rainfall. Also, I’d be happy to send you my “Five Bridges Hike”, starting off at Jordan Pond. “Cliffside Bridge” is my favorite. Whatever you do, have a WONDERFUL vacation.

    • David Patterson

      Thanks Carol. I’m going to “do” Otter Point one morning for sure, and maybe I’ll try and find the bridge you like so much.

  9. Tony Mourkas

    Perhaps you might consider images of the small details on Mount Desert Island as an alternative the landscapes that you do so well. The pattern of stonework on a Carriage Trail Bridge, mosses and lichens, a spiderweb, pebbles in a streamed, and so on. Or take the opposite tack and stitch together a series of images from, for example, Day Mountain to create a panorama.

    • David Patterson

      Thanks Tony. The weather so far has been anything but perfect for landscapes, so I’ve been “focusing” on some of those very details that you referenced. Most of what I have done to date has been with the iPhone, and a lot of my pix have included a dog… I’m beginning to wonder if I’m ever going to take a “serious” landscape photograph again!

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