A Sandy Beach in Maine


Sand Beach

Best place on earth… before the tourists arrive! Sand Beach is one of my favorite places to spend time, especially during the off-season before the park gets swamped with people from away. There aren’t many sandy beaches this far up the Maine coast, so as you might imagine, during the summer months this is a very popular place. This time of year though, it’s pretty quiet, and it’s also pretty special. The photograph at the top of this post is from a few years back. It was made at the far end of Sand Beach looking back toward the Beehive – I was perched on a rock in the shade of Great Head as a wave washed in and around the rocks. Keeping the shutter open for a relatively long time rendered the moving water with the misty effect.

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Fast forward a few years to today… and despite the reluctant temperatures over the Easter weekend, the sun actually felt warm on your face, and as you can see, two of our boys had themselves a grand old time. Oliver just turned six months of age, and he’s already becoming a little more mature. He walks on the leash really politely, and he’s learning how to be much more calm when approaching people and other dogs. He’s still a silly puppy at times, but he’s definitely starting to get it. Sand Beach is full of wonder for Oliver – the texture of the sand between his toes, the smell (and taste) of beached seaweed, and the ability to wade into the cold water – all things he seems to love, and in the last photograph he’s enjoying a classic Acadia view…

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25 thoughts on “A Sandy Beach in Maine

  1. naamahbeherit

    Nice shots :). Bottom part of the first one could use a bit of additional light though, I think it would have made the motion of water more vibrant.

    • David Patterson

      Thanks. Agreed on how dark the foreground is, though this was in the shade before the sun has crested Great Head behind me. This was also in the days of shooting Velvia slide film đŸ™‚

    • David Patterson

      Thanks Carol. That first photograph is of a very peaceful place. It was made in late September when the pace in the park had slowed down nicely.

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