A walk to remember…


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Jack has been steadily gaining confidence in Oliver’s presence, and as he does so, he has become more and more attached to him. They’re forming a tight bond, and it’s been nice to see them develop a strong relationship as fast friends. Oliver is an absolute dream to walk with, and as we recently strolled along our favorite south ridge of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park, it did my heart good to see two of my boys enjoying each other’s company so much.

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In addition to offering spectacularly beautiful and stunning 360 degree views of Acadia, the terrain on this trail just happens to be perfect for walking the dog. Oliver is able to negotiate the rocky granite slope with ease, and the cooler air up high can provide a welcome respite from the summer heat. Soaking in views of the Cranberry Islands while chowing down on a pb&j sandwich and then a banana for dessert… not a bad way to round out a memorable morning walk.

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9 thoughts on “A walk to remember…

  1. Awww, I love seeing how human and dog can bond so easily.

    It reminds me of when my family got a Rottweiler puppy when I was 13, she was called Rosie and at the time I had just started being homeschooled so I was extremely lonely and she was the only friend I could spend with day in, day out. Even though I was tiny, under 5ft and could easily be dragged along if she wished – she always behaved excellently on the leash when we’d go out walking with my dad at the time. She wouldn’t pull, and she’d behave and sit when told. We unfortunately had to sell her when she was 8 months old as my dad couldn’t keep up the maintenance of her (even though we begged) and the day we sold her I sobbed my eyes out. I would make videos of her and post them to youtube, and I even made a montage for her when she left us.

    Dogs can do such wonderful things to people’s life. They’re for life buddies.

    • David Patterson

      Thanks Jane. It can be hard work having a dog. Oliver is our first experience caring for a dog, and at times we wondered if we could provide for him the way we wanted to (and the way he needed). We’ve all chipped in though, and all of a sudden Oliver has been in our lives for almost a year! You are absolutely right… they do bring such joy.

    • David Patterson

      Agreed… especially when it’s your own kid and your own dog (not that I think I own Oliver (or Jack for that matter)).

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