Handsome boy


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Nuff said. These photographs of Oliver were made on a couple of recent evening walks on the local golf course. We usually head down to the course just before sunset, that way the golfers are either already finished playing or they’re making their way up the last couple of holes. The first and last show him right about the time he decided that he’d chased the tennis ball enough.

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The cool, damp grass of the fairway must have felt awfully good to him, and in the waning twilight, the warm colors of his beautiful golden coat really popped. He recently paid a visit to the spa, and when I picked him up after his haircut and shampoo, I couldn’t believe how much he looked like a puppy again. In the photograph below, the sun had already gone down, and as the day started to cool off and transition to night, the remaining light bathed him in a subtle and quite lovely glow. Oliver… our handsome boy!

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12 thoughts on “Handsome boy

    • David Patterson

      Based on photographs of his parents, I’m thinking he’s pretty much stopped growing height-wise. At almost 8 months of age he’s a sturdy little guy… and handsome of course 🙂

  1. marialla

    Lovely pictures. Dogs are such noble beings and such clowns at the same time!
    Oh, and I have to say that the life of a dog is certainly “hard”. And never mind a dog, our cats have gone to the cottage for the summer – another tough life to be had.!!

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