My new favorite black and white filter


Lately I’ve been using EyeEm on my phone instead of Instagram, and I like it. Usually I’m playing with the “Earlgrey” filter which adds a warm, soft, muted tone to photographs, but when a new filter was recently added to the app, I jumped at the chance to try it out. It’s called “KCe” and with one swipe of your finger you can have a pretty nice black and white photograph. Here’s a little sample of it at work… I know it seems sacrilegious to take the golden out of the golden retriever, but I kinda like it.

3-4-13 olivercollage2

8 thoughts on “My new favorite black and white filter

  1. callmeshebear

    I like EyeEm too. I’m enjoying it much more than Instagram. I like that it is not restricted to the square format on IG. Great photos!

    • David Patterson

      Thanks. I’m not so much into the social media side of using the app, and I agree about liking the flexibility of composing outside of a square box.

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