I’m done apologizing…


2-15-13 oliver1

It’s all of my own making. This blog used to be mostly about showcasing my experiences exploring the beautiful landscapes of Maine and especially Acadia National Park, but lately it has been swallowed up by photographs of Oliver – the little, but fast-growing dog.

I know that some loyal readers enjoy seeing what Oliver has been up to lately, and that it’d be quite OK if he was front and center all of the time. I do, however, feel as though I am forever apologizing for this recent change in course for the blog, so here I am throwing in the towel regarding the apology bit.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m hopeful of getting out to shoot landscapes again soon, but in the meantime… purely for my own sanity, I’m done apologizing for posting pictures of Oliver. Phew… just saying writing that feel’s like a load off!

Anyhoo… here’s a sampling from the last couple of days… all shot using the iPhone 5 with a touch of Instagram Earlybird filter applied. Though I ditched the Instagram app itself, I have the filters stored as actions in Photoshop – I kinda like the effect.

Have a great weekend!

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2-15-13 oliver5

2-15-13 oliver3

2-15-13 oliver2

2-15-13 oliver7

2-15-13 oliver4

34 thoughts on “I’m done apologizing…

    • David Patterson

      I like the effect of the Instagram filters, but if asked to describe the amount of post-processing I do, I’d have to say by most people’s standards that it is significant. It’s not that it takes a long time, or that what I do is particularly difficult, but it is more than most might do. Maybe I’ll do a little video tutorial on my workflow and post it to the blog.

  1. Love that dog. Moved to Portland from Bangor 18 years ago and I have been without a dog. We live in a condo and we are not home enough to give a dog proper attention. Anyway I found this on Facebook and thought you might like it came with an accompanying picture of a golden looking out of a window.

    Robert N Rosen shared Saved by a Share’s photo.
    19 hours ago
    If you have been owned by a dog you will like this
    10 Things Your Dog Would Tell You…. (This made me cry)
    1. My life is likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful: remember that before you get me.
    2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
    3. Place your trust in me- it is crucial to my well being.
    4. Do not be angry at me for long, and do not lock me up as punishment.
    5. You have your work, your entertainment,and your friends. I only have you.
    6. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understands your words, I understand your voice when it is speaking to me.
    7. Be aware that how ever you treat me, I will never forget.
    8. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily hurt you, but I choose not to bite you because I love you.
    9. Before you scold me for being uncooperative,obstinate,or lazy, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I might not be getting the right food, or I have been out too long, or my heart is getting to old and weak.
    10. Take care of me when I get old; you too will grow old. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say: “I cannot bear to watch” or “Let it happen in my absence.” Everything is easier for me if you are there, even my death.
    Remember that I love you

    • David Patterson

      Thanks Sara. Lately there hasn’t been much landscape photography going on, but am hoping that as we get more and more settled with Oliver that I’ll get out there again with camera in hand.

  2. I think it falls within your preview to have as many photos & posts of your new dog as you want. After all it is your blog. 🙂 Besides, I see the nature behind the dog just fine once he stops distracting me. (I miss my dog so.)

    • David Patterson

      We’re very much looking forward to the end of winter so we can start exploring some of our favorite trails. Can’t wait for Oliver to be with us.

    • David Patterson

      Thanks. I’ve definitely taken a serious detour since Oliver entered our lives. Maybe someday things will get back to “normal” again!

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