Practicing for fall foliage…


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Here in Maine we’re about three weeks away from what I hope will be a colorful fall foliage season this year. Since I haven’t had the camera out much lately, I figured I’d better get some practice in before the leaves really start to change. So, what better place to dust the cobwebs off than Acadia National Park? I say three weeks, but there were already pockets of color developing in the swampy areas around the Great Meadow, so maybe things will happen a little earlier this year?

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These images are from a quiet little path that winds its way through the Great Meadow amongst some striking silver birches. I’m never sure if this is the Jesup Path or the Hemlock Trail, but either way, it’s a place that usually rewards the landscape photographer looking for fall foliage colors. Within a few weeks there’ll be a carpet of yellow covering the narrow path seen here, and I for one will be sure to return.

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I intentionally brought only one lens with me on this trip – the 50mm f1.8 – or thrifty fifty as it is sometimes known as. It’s a relatively cheap little plastic lens, but the quality of image it can produce under the right conditions belies the build, construction and price. I experimented with using a large aperture and a shallow depth of field, so most of what I shot throughout the day as I explored just a little part my favorite national park was dialed in on the camera at around f2.0-3.5.

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Oliver made the trip down to Acadia with us, and in the photograph below, he, Lori, Jack and Cathryn (visiting from Ireland), had walked on ahead while I moseyed along doing my photographer thing. I was about 50 yards or so behind the group when I asked everyone to jump off the trail and let Oliver run back to me. Needless to say, my boy needed no encouragement to come charging down the path to greet me… quite a sight!

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An autumn path


Just off the Loop Road in Acadia National Park is this picturesque and delightful little path that meanders across the Great Meadow. I’m not entirely sure if this is called the Jesup Path or the Hemlock Path, but what I am sure of is that it is quite beautiful. I had missed the peak of fall foliage when I wandered this path, but there were still some striking autumn leaves adding to what was a classic color palette. Perhaps next year I will get here for the peak of colors, but until then, I’ll just have to settle for remembering what was a wonderfully peaceful morning spent exploring a part of the park that I rarely get to see.

Spring impressions


Memorial Day in Acadia and I was actually surprised to see the park with so many people already… at least over on the Loop Road that is. Sand Beach had quite a crowd, and although we definitely enjoyed some beach time after the long winter, we preferred exploring some quieter places today.

The Jesup Path takes you across the Great Meadow from the Loop Road to the Sieur de Monts Spring, the Wild Gardens of Acadia, the Nature Center, and the Abbe Museum. Within about 100 yards of the parking lot, you will find the most delicious scene, with lush grasses and ferns anchoring a scattering of very striking paper birch trees. Gorgeous greens and dappled light… I couldn’t resist moving the camera 🙂