Pictures of our dog



How’s that for a catchy blog post title? I thought about celebrating the fact that today is his birthday – he’s four months old today – but that seemed a little silly, so instead I went for the obvious. Anyway, I love making photographs of Oliver, especially outside when the light is good. This series is from a recent late afternoon spent on the local golf course just as the sun was going down. The soft winter light was pretty spectacular, with the snow taking on a subtle pink hue from the mostly clear overhead skies. I liked how the warmth of Oliver’s coat contrasted with the cool colors of the snow. He’s a handsome devil of a birthday boy, isn’t he?





14 thoughts on “Pictures of our dog

    • David Patterson

      Hah… you should se the photographs that don’t get posted. Those ears flap all over the place, and some of the pix I make aren’t so flattering 🙂

    • David Patterson

      We had a brief thaw right before this latest cold snap, so we lost quite a bit f the snow and were left with an icy, hard landscape. Hopefully we’ll get some more snow soon… just enough to cover the ground and make everything soft again.

    • David Patterson

      He enjoys running, period! All he’s really known is snow, so it kind of makes sense now about how interested he is when he comes across a patch of uncovered grass.

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